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- Principal's Message
- Radio News
- Cake Raffle Week 1
- Home Cooking Week 1
- Awards Week 10 Term 3
- Pioneers Night Singing
- Golf lessons
- School Photos
- Batlow Apple Blossom Festival
- Footsteps Dance
- Permanent Teaching Position
- Summer Sizzler
- BTS Canteen Lunch Orders
- Hats
- Snowy Hydro Competition
- Playground Fun
- McAuley Performance
- Thank You
- Cyber Safety
- Philippines School Donations
- Batlow Swimming Club
- Term 4 Dates
- Kindness Quote Of The Week
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to our 4th and final term for the school year! It is always amazing to look back over the school year and wonder where the time has gone. It is also incredible to think that our two Year 6 leaders, Hazel and Lucy will complete their final years of Primary Schooling at the end of this term. Both of the girls have completed their full 7 years of primary education at St Mary’s school and we are extremely proud of the amazing young people they have developed into from Kindergarten through to our present day school leaders. We wish both girls a wonderful last term.
Another wonderful term is planned over the next ten weeks. We begin this week with Pioneers Night this evening and the Batlow Apple Blossom Festival on Saturday. Both of these community events have asked our students to perform some singing items. Students are asked to wear their full school SUMMER uniform for both (dresses for girls). Please see meeting times below. We are very grateful to our wonderful parents for enabling their children to come along and support these special Batlow community events.
Visitors to St Mary’s this week include Mrs Kerry O’Callaghan, Aboriginal Education Officer from CE and Mrs Leonie Anstey, Mathematics Consultant from CE. We welcome both Kerry and Leonie to our lovely school and look forward to their input.
We are delighted to announce that our new school website is up and running. It is lovely to have a modernised site that will be easier to negotiate and use. The website is linked to our school Face Book page and alert system, which ensures our information is going out to our families and the community as needed.
Golf lessons for sport and Footsteps Dance for PE will be commencing this week and next. A great way to start our new school term.
Wishing everyone a great week and looking forward to hearing our lovely St Mary’s choir tonight at Pioneers Night.
Christine Baron
Radio news will begin next Tuesday 23rd October with our school leaders Hazel & Lucy. Tune in to FM96.3 to at 1.45pm to hear what is happening at St Mary's this term.
The BREWARD family will be on cake raffle this Friday 19th October. Tickets are sold for 20c each at morning tea time.
This Friday 19th October our home cooks will be the SALMON and WILLEMS families. Cooking is sold for 50c each at morning tea time.
Marlie for working to a high standard in Literacy Groups.
Payton for her growing independance and confidence in all areas.
TONIGHT students are asked to meet at the RSL front foyer at 6.45pm in FULL SUMMER uniform and black shoes (dresses for girls) to sing in the choir to entertain our pioneers. Students can be picked up after by parents at 7.15pm. We hope to see many students representing our school at this community event.
All students from K-6 will be taking part in golf lessons for four weeks at the Batlow Golf Club from this Friday. This has been funded through the sporting schools program.
The lesson times will be: K/1 11.30-12.15pm, 2/3 12.15-1pm and 1.30-2.15pm.
School photos for 2018 will be held NEXT Tuesday 23rd October. Each child was sent home a personalised envelope last term. Sibling envelopes were also sent home for those wishing to have family photos. These envelopes must be returned to the office by MONDAY with payment having been made online or correct payment with the envelope. No change will be available at school.
Full summer school uniform, dresses for girls.
THis Saturday our students will again represent our school singing at the festival. Students are again asked to be in FULL summer uniform and black shoes (dresses for girls) PLease meet staff near the stage area at 10.30am ready to sing.
Congratulations are extended to Miss Amy Buckmaster who was the successful applicant for the recently advertised Permanent Teaching Position.
Miss Buckmaster previously held a Temporary Teaching position and was therefore delighted to accept the Permanent Position.
Mrs Saunderson, Mrs Neale and Mrs Hughes will continue to share the LNAP position for the rest of this term, as they have been doing over the past two terms.
This week ham/cheese toastie $3.50 per serve or two serves for $5
Also available each week Zoooper Doopers 80c & Icecream cones $1
Please ensure that the term 4 BTS price list is followed and the correct money is placed in orders. Thank you for your support with this matter. An up to date price list is available in the office if needed or online or the szapp on phone and computer.
Students are asked to wear a school hat now that the weather has warmed up.
Please also provide sunscreen for your child to wear each day.
School hats are now COMPULSORY from Term 4.
No hat, No play!
Congratulations to Jonny who has won the Stage 3 Competition "What I like about Blowering Dam".
Students had an enjoyable time watching the performance and having lunch in the park last term.
A big thank you to Martin & Bev Sullivan for fixing the table and chairs in the holidays and Cindy Skein for weeding and mulching the garden. Your help is much appreciated!
Parents and Carers are reminded about the importance of Cyber Safety when allowing their children to play online games. The police have recommended that parents are aware of what games children are playing and who they are playing with. Aspects of cyber safety will be addressed in the classrooms through the PD/H program.
Mrs Murray and Mrs Baron have been fortunate to accept an invitation to visit City Gates Academy School in the Philippines, where they will spend a day volunteering their time to work with students from Kindergarten to Year 3 on their reading program and other activities.
St Mary's School have been asked if any families would like to make a donation of books, pens, pencils or any items that could be used by school students in the Philippines and would be most gratefully accepted. You may be aware that the Philippine's was hit by a super-typhoon just prior to the school holidays and as a result many people were displaced. School supplies are low and an urgent request has been sent to ask schools to help out. Any donations would be gratefully received and may be sent into St Mary's School prior to Friday 2nd November. All donations will be taken directly to the school and distributed as needed.
Thank you for your generosity.
The Batlow Pool opens on Saturday 10th November and
Registrations are now open for the 2018/19 season
Swimming is a great way of building and maintaining fitness, as well as building stamina and strength, without the risk to joints of high impact activities.
Sessions will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 – 6:30pm from November through to March, these will include training sessions and race nights, games, water safety and guest coach appearances.
Parents are encouraged to get involved, to share their knowledge and participate in running the club, to assist with setting up and packing up each night and time keeping for race nights (swimmers compete against their own times)
Club swimmers are still available for $20 if you’re new or you’ve grown.
Batlow Swim Club is an approved and registered Active Kids provider.
Continuing members can register on-line.
For more information, contact the Registrar, Sharon Stuenkel on 0417 229 245.
Apple Blossom Festival - This Saturday 10.30am to sing
Golf begins for K-6 - This Friday
Footsteps dance begins for K-6 - Monday
School Photos - Next Tuesday 23rd October
Opening of the Literary Institute - Friday 2nd November 6-8pm
Carols By Candlelight - Tuesday 11th December 6.30pm
Year 6 Thanksgiving Mass - Thursday 13th December TBC
2018 Awards Evening - Monday 17th December TBC
Students Last Day Of Term - Tuesday 18th December