St Mary’s Primary School - Batlow
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Selwyn St
Batlow NSW 2730

Phone: 02 6949 1270

Philippines School Donations

Mrs Murray and Mrs Baron have been fortunate to accept an invitation to visit City Gates Academy School in the Philippines, where they will spend a day volunteering their time to work with students from Kindergarten to Year 3 on their reading program and other activities.

St Mary's School have been asked if any families would like to make a donation of books, pens, pencils or any items that could be used by school students in the Philippines and would be most gratefully accepted. You may be aware that the Philippine's was hit by a super-typhoon just prior to the school holidays and as a result many people were displaced. School supplies are low and an urgent request has been sent to ask schools to help out. Any donations would be gratefully received and may be sent into St Mary's School prior to Friday 2nd November. All donations will be taken directly to the school and distributed as needed. 

Thank you for your generosity.