Dear Parents,
Last week we had much to celebrate and we did! It was especially significant to be able to have parents with us as a school community to do so. The Awards Night was a celebration of our students strengths. Our students deserve to be proud of their achievements. From 2/3 leading us in prayer to the Year 4/5/6 drumming circle and onto the dancing by K/1; students were smiling and so excited to be able to entertain their parents. Our Thanksgiving Mass was a wonderful blessing for the year we’ve had and we were pleased that Yr 6 parents were able to be with their children for this occasion as well. Our pool celebration was equally wonderful. After our COVID year it was really amazing that we were able to celebrate our usual St Mary’s traditions. Please enjoy the photos in our newsletter that captured those events.
Our final staff appointment for 2021 is our new REC/LNAP Coordinator. Ms Melissa Hotham will be joining us from McAuley in this role. Ms Hotham worked at St Mary’s from 2012 to 2015 and she is looking forward to returning to St Mary’s in her new role to coordinate Religious Education and the Literacy and Numeracy Action Plan which will be in its final year.
I will forward a letter to parents via schoolszine in the first week of January notifying you of when the uniform shop will be open in the later part of January. A reminder that all students K-6 will start the 2021 school year Monday 1 February.
Today is the final day for our students. We farewell our Yr Six students with a special ‘clap out’ as the bell goes at 3:00pm; their final exit from our school grounds. For all our St Mary’s families, have a truly blessed festive season that is filled with peace, love and joy.