Dear Parents,
I have been reading reports over the last few days. It is a wonderful opportunity to see students being recognised for their individual achievement this semester. All students have their own strengths and areas to work on. They also have their own personalities and behaviours. We guide all students to reach their goals and so report writing time is often a celebration for teachers too. Reports are the culmination of a semester of work. Comments were not included on Semester One reports due to COVID adjustments but teachers provided parents interviews with detailed information. We do not schedule parent teacher interviews at the end of the year, but teachers are available if parents would like an interview. Please phone the office or email your child’s teacher if you would like to a schedule time. Reports will be forwarded to parents this Friday 4 December.
We have started our swimming programme for 2020 and look forward to supporting all students to grow in confidence, skills and knowledge in water safety over the next two weeks. Many students are very keen already. We know they are attending swimming lessons after school or in the January holidays as well, because they tell us. It is great to see that learning to swim is a priority in so many families. It is a great skill to have. Our Batlow Pool is such a wonderful facility and free entry makes it accessible for all. Our Swimming Carnival is already booked in for next year, Friday 5 February.
Next year all students, K-6, will begin their school year on Monday 1 February. Teachers will be involved in several professional development days as scheduled by Catholic Education in the week prior to this so you will see us on site, busily preparing, ahead of the students’ first day. Please refer to other dates below to assist you in your planning over the coming two weeks.
Thank you also to parents for ensuring students have their hats, especially St Mary’s hats. We know they go astray easily so having hats labelled with your child’s name is so helpful! Hat wearing is a wonderful habit to cultivate in our young students to establish a lifelong routine and reduce skin cancer. Teachers on duty note that we can usually guarantee that every one of our students have a hat on every day and so do our teachers.
Have a lovely week everyone.