Dear Parents,
Our excursion to the National Zoo and Aquarium is this Friday. The bus will depart school at 7:00am and return back to Batlow by 6:00pm. We are all very excited to be venturing to the nation’s capital for a special day. Please refer to the note below for finer details and to complete permission if you have yet to do so.
Aside from the permission note an additional Indemnity Note needs to be signed to give permission for your child to pat or feed an animal while on the guided tour. These notes were sent home today, if you would like for your child to participate please sign and send back to school before Thursday.
If your child is showing cold/flu symptoms please keep them home. Please phone 0429472233 before 7am if your child will not be able to attend.
We have been making plans for the coming year and are now in the final stages. The class structure can change from year to year as our numbers in year groups change. Next year our three classes will be:
- Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2 (15 students)
- Year 3 and Year 4 (12 students)
- Year 5 and Year 6 (12 students)
This balances the classes out in the most equitable way, otherwise one class would be too large and the other too small. Our classes are small and just perfect to support all student needs.
Catholic Education is also transitioning to a new literacy programme for our Kindergarten to Year 2 students called InitiaLit. Ms Buckmaster and myself have already undergone training. It makes sense to have our K,1, 2 students together to support a smooth delivery. InitiaLit provides our students with a ‘systematic and synthetic phonics’ programme which is supported by current research. We are looking forward to sharing more details of the programme with parents early next year.
And finally, on a different note the new structure also brings our classes into line with New South Wales Curriculum stages. This makes planning and programming more streamlined for teachers.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to ask the question.
Have a lovely week everyone.