Hello Parents and Carers,
This term is promising to be a brighter one for our students as COVID restrictions ease permitting some extra curriculum activities.
Firstly, this Thursday 29 October, we welcome to St Mary’s a presenter from African Drumming to lead each class in a drumming circle. We have been anticipating this event for some time as we purchased the African drums at the end of 2019. Staff will participate in a ‘drumming training session’ on Wednesday evening as part of a professional development session. It is so wonderful to have music and instruments in our school.
Also coming up this term is an excursion to the National Zoo in Canberra on Friday 20 November. It will be an early start with a coach leaving the school at 7:00am and returning by 6:00pm. All students from K-6 are invited to attend with all costs (bus fare and entry) covered by a generous donation from Catholic Care in response to the bushfire crisis last January. Notes will go home shortly seeking signed parental permission.
School photos were taken last week and the students looked superb in full summer uniform. Thank you for attending to that request especially in regard to black school shoes. We expect the photos back well before the end of term. School photographs are usually held in the first term of the year and we have booked the photographer for 24 March next year.
As the end of year approaches parents may wish to be aware of the following dates:
- Awards Evening Wednesday 9 December @ 6pm (To be confirmed pending COVID restrictions easing further)
- Thanksgiving and Yr 6 Graduation Mass Thursday 10 December @10am (Year 6 parents are able to attend with current COVID guidelines)
- End of Year Pool Party Friday 11 December
Have a lovely week everyone,