Hello Parents and Carers,
We have had a couple of sunny days so far this week, but wet weather is heading our way again. On wet weather days our students have several options to have a break from classes e.g. puzzles, lego, drawing, video, table tennis, handball, chess and even more. The students can play in the hallway, one classroom or in the weather shed and two teachers are always on duty to ensure everyone is safe.
Breakfast Top Up-We are trialling this initiative this term and so far so good. We have between 12-15 students accessing weetbix or toast on either a Tuesday or Thursday. The gathering of students around the breakfast table is really welcoming and the social conversation delightful.
Royal Far West-This semester we continue with our pilot program with Royal Far West who are delivering speech therapy and occupational therapy to nine of our students via zoom. Our Classroom Assistants (CA’s) Ms Dobbie and Ms Brown support the smooth running of this program every Monday and Wednesday. We are so grateful to have this program which is supported by a joint initiative between Catholic Education and RFW.
Staff Development Day Term 4 Day 1 – Please be aware that the first day of Term 4 is a Staff Development Day and therefore a pupil free day. Teachers will be involved in a zoom meeting with James Nottingham on Challenging Learning looking at questioning and feedback practices.
E safety-Are they old enough ? Having a Smart device and going online is a growing trend for children even in preschool. The e-safety commissioner website has some useful advice to help parents navigate the digital environment safely with their child.
Have a lovely week everyone.