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- Principal's Message
- Week 2 Awards
- Cake Raffle Week 3
- Home Cooking Week 3
- Birthdays
- Radio News Week 4
- School Counsellor Visit
- Summer Sizzlers
- 5/6 Mini Vinnies Day
- 2019 Kindergarten Orientation Days
- All Saints & All Souls Day
- Skoolbag App
- Christmas Raffle Sellers At IGA
- Opening Of The Newly Refurbished Batlow Literary Institute
- School Hats
- St Mary's Book Fair
- K/1 Assembly
- Childrens Mass
- Term 4 Dates
- Playground Fun
- Batlow Pool Aqua Aerobics
- Batlow Pool Learn To Swim After School Program
- Kindness Quote
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have another exciting week ahead of us here at St Mary's! Last Friday, the students enjoyed a uniform free day to support Mission Week. Thank you to our two leaders, Lucy and Hazel for collecting the donations. Money will be sent through to Catholic Mission.
The students enjoyed another fantastic afternoon of dancing with the Footsteps Dance Company. Some great dance moves and steps are starting to emerge!
This Friday is the Opening of the Refurbished Batlow Literary Institute. Once again our students have been invited to come along and sing for the invited guests. Special dignitaries will also be present on the evening and it is another lovely opportunity to showcase our school to the Batlow community. Thank you so much to parents for enabling students to attend these special community activities. Students are asked to be at The Institute by 6:15pm ready to sing at approximately 6:25pm.
We are very excited to be welcoming our 2019 Kindergarten students this Thursday to St Mary's School. The Kindergarten students will spend all morning with our current Kindergarten class. Year 1 students will move up to the Year 2/3 room for the morning.
Thank you to the many parents/carers that have responded to our two surveys. It has been lovely to have parent input into our school activities. We have received overwhelming support to continue with the lovely tradition of Kris Kindle (KK). Please see the dates we have put in place for KK to begin.
We are hoping to receive more input into the decision regarding our Annual Award Night. So far, the majority of votes are for an afternoon award evening. If you wish to add your voice please fill the survey in or email the office your thoughts by THIS Friday to enable a decision to be made.
Enjoy the week ahead and we are looking forward to seeing you on Friday at the Literary Institute.
Please note that i will be away on leave next week. Any issues can be directed to Mrs Richards during my absence.
Christine Baron
Joshua for working hard to complete his spelling words.
Morgan for writing imaginative texts to a high standard.
Liam W for demonstrating excellent strategies in maths.
Sebastian P for his wonderful effort towards learning.
Sarah W for her demonstration of clock dominoes.
Ted for his enthusiasm and contributions in class discussions.
This Friday the CURRY family will be on cake raffle.
Tickets are sold for 20c each at morning tea time.
Our home cooks this week are the TAINIO & BOOBY families.
Items are sold for 50c each at morning tea time.
We wish Liam W a lovely birthday today as he celebrates turning 9!
We hope you had a great day Liam.
Our radio presenters next Tuesday 6th November will be Lucy & Jiemin. Tune in at 1.45pm to hear the exciting things happening at St Mary's.
Mel our school counsellor will visit this Thursday 1st November.
PLease phone the office if you would like to speak to Mel or get an appointment for your child.
Tomorrow our "Summer Sizzler" will be:
Frankfurts wrapped in batter & baked and a lime spider!
$3.50 per serve or two serves per person for $5.
Zooper Doopers 80c and icecream cones $1 are available each week as well.
Students in Year 5 and 6 will be participating in a Social Justice program at McAuley Catholic Central School in Tumut on Friday 2 November. The day is being organised by St Vincent de Paul representatives. We will be combining with Year 5 and 6 students from McAuley CCS and St Joseph’s Primary, Adelong.
This opportunity allows our students to learn more about the role social justice plays within our Catholic Church community and how we can serve others.
Time: The ten students will depart school by 8:45am and will return to Batlow by 3:00pm.
Morning Tea and Lunch: McAuley will provide students with a sausage sizzle lunch and juice. Students from St Mary’s are to provide fruit, biscuits or a slice to share at morning tea.
Transport: Students will travel by private car to and from Tumut. I can transport four students in my vehicle. If you are available to assist with transport to and from Tumut, please contact Mrs Richards as soon as possible. Parents do not need to stay with us during the day, but are welcome to if they would like.
Please sign and submit the permission note sent out last week by THURSDAY at the latest if you have not already done so.
2019 Kindergarten Orientation Days
We will welcome our 2019 kindergarten students who will begin their orientation days this Thursday 1st November. Below are the days for this term.
Thursday 1st November 8.40am-11.30pm
Thursday 8th November 8.40am-11.30am
Thursday 15th November 8.40am - 3.10pm
Thursday 22nd November 8.40am - 3.10pm
This week the Catholic Church recognises two important dates on our calendar.
Thursday 1 November is All Saints Day. All Saints Day is a day when we acknowledge those who are closest to God, the Saints.
All Souls Day is Friday 2 November. On All Souls Day we pray for those loved ones who have gone before us.
This Friday students will be asked to write a prayer for someone who has passed away in their family on a small card and we will display this in our foyer in our prayer space. God Bless
Please note that we are no longer using the "Skoolbag app" as this has now been replaced by SZapp. All alerts, absentees, permission notes, newsletters etc will now be sent through this app.
Christmas Raffle Sellers At IGA
Helpers are URGENTLY needed this THURSDAY to sell tickets in front of IGA between 9-3pm. Please let Tracee know at the office if you can help.
Our prizes are Ist: Christmas dinner
2nd: Tickets to Questacon
3rd: Tickets to Cockington Green
Tickets will be sent home to families soon.
Opening Of The Newly Refurbished Batlow Literary Institute
This event will be held THIS Friday 2nd November. Once again our students have been asked to sing at the opening of the newly refurbished literary institute. Students are asked to meet staff near the Literary Institute by 6.00pm ready to be on stage to sing at 6.15pm.
Students are asked to be dressed in their FULL SCHOOL SUMMER UNIFORM. Dresses for girls and black shoes NO JOGGERS please.
Once again this is an important community event and we are asking for our families to support. Special guests and dignitaries will be attending this event as it is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our school to the Batlow and local communities.
Students will attend a practice session at 11.30am on Friday.
School hats are now COMPULSORY for Term 4. Please also provide sunscreen for your child to wear each day.
Both flap and bucket hats are available in the uniform shop for $10 each.
No hat, No play!
You are invited to our Scholastic Book Fair: READING IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!
WHEN: Monday 5th November until Friday 9th November.
Books and stationery items will be available to purchase after school Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon as well as Friday morning.
WHERE: St Mary's School Library
The children will have the opportunity to look at the book fair in their library time and make a wish list!!
We are looking forward to a wonderful range of books to purchase... it might be a great chance to start some Christmas shopping!
Payment can be made by cash and eftpos is also available for the fair.
Year K/1 and Miss Soulsby are excited to announce that they will holding a class assembly on Friday 9th November at 2.15pm in the school library. This will be the ONLY class assembly this term as Year K/1 missed the opportunity last term.
Mums, dads, carers, grandparent and family members all welcome to attend.
Sunday 18th November St Mary's will be holding our school Mass for the term.
Please let the office or Mrs Richards know if your child will be attending so they can have a special job to do during Mass.
Golf for K-6 - Each Friday
Footsteps Dance for K-6 - Each Monday
2019 Kinder Orientation days begin - This Thursday 1st November
Opening of the Literary Institute - Friday 2nd November 6.15pm
Carols By Candlelight - Tuesday 11th December 6.30pm
Year 6 Thanksgiving Mass - Thursday 13th December
2018 Awards Evening - TBC
Students Last Day Of Term - Tuesday 18th December
Starts Tuesday 13th November
$10 per session
No need to book
All enquiries ph: 69412501
Batlow Pool Learn To Swim After School Program
Starts Tuesday 13th November
5week program $50 (to be paid prior to lessons starting)
$10 per lesson
Tuesday afternoons
All enquiries ph: 69412701