Hello Parents and Carers,
I feel that I have bombarded your inboxes over the past few days so I will keep this report short. Can I please ask you to read emails from St Mary’s Schoolszine carefully, particularly the two from today for the most up to date information.
Staff are working hard to transition into the remote learning model. To assist us we really need to know if you have internet and also an iPad charger. Please respond to the email seeking this information.
Resource packs should be available tomorrow. We will email when they are available for collection.
In the meantime, I want to thank parents for their understanding in all communications I have had so far. You are making this ‘transition’ easier by understanding the gravity of the COVID 19 situation. We need to continue working in partnership to support our students, your children, to continue with their learning the best way we can.
Thank you and I’ll be in touch.