Filter Content
- Principal's Message
- Community Council Executive Meeting
- Winter Warmer
- Cake Raffle Week 9
- Home Cooking Week 9
- Radio Presenters Week 10
- Student Banking
- Awards Week 8 Term 3
- Catholic Schools Week - Week 9
- McAuley Catholic Central School Performance
- Uniform
- This Week At St Mary's
- First Holy Communion
- Opening Of Fire Station
- Term 4 Dates
- Feast Day
- School Photos
- School Hats
- Resignation
- School Afternoon Pickup
- Operation Christmas Boxes
- SZapp download.
- Kindness Quote Of The Week
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Catholic Schools Week! This is always a special week to celebrate the wonderful things that are happening across all our Catholic Schools but mostly a celebration of the great teaching and learning that is happening right here at St Mary’s Batlow. We have so much to be proud of in our little school! Parents and carers are most welcome to join us for any of the special events happening this week. Please refer to the newsletter for dates and events.
Thank you to our small band of representatives that joined many people from the Batlow community for the opening of the new Batlow Fire Shed yesterday. The students sang exceptionally well and we were very proud of them for representing the school so well.
Please keep in your prayers our five children preparing for the sacrament of First Holy Communion this Sunday. Sophie, EJ, Emily, Sarah W and Ted will receive this sacrament during the 8.30am Mass on Sunday morning. Fr Michael will be here to celebrate Mass with the children and their families. Everyone is welcome to join in this special Mass and the celebration afterwards.
Mrs Richards will be Acting Principal as I am away attending the APPA conference this week. Please direct any inquiries to Mrs Richards.
Happy Catholic Schools Week,
Christine Baron
Community Council Executive Meeting
Community Council Executive Meeting Monday 24th September at 4.30pm.
If you have any agenda items please email the secretary by tomorrow.
This Wednesday 19th September our Winter Warmer is TACOS. Orders and money MUST be in by 9am tomorrow morning.
Next weeks Winter Warmer is SAUSAGE SANDWICHES and will be on Tuesday 25th September not the Wednesday.
The Sullivan and Wilkinson (L) families will be on home cooking this Friday 21st September. Items are sold at recess for 50c each.
Our radio presenters for week 10 will be our school leaders Lucy & Hazel on Sounds of the Mountains FM96.3 next Tuesday 25th September at 1.45pm.
Tune in to hear all the exciting things happening at St Mary's.
Student of the Week
Kinder/Year 1
Calee-Bree for showing persistance when working through a Maths problem.
James for working hard to produce an excellent piece of writing.
Year 2/3
Charlie for consistent effort in all areas.
Liam W for working hard in writing to create an epic series.
Year 4/5/6
Sebastian B for performing songs confidently on the keyboard.
Brendan for writing a jingle and putting it to music on a keyboard.
Principal's Award
Hazel for her great dedication and the enthusiasm she brings to her leadership role.
Oscar for his positive attitude and approach to all school areas.
Ted for his very positive and enthusiastic approach to all areas of school life.
Year 6 Leaders Award
Dylan for his kind and caring nature that he shares with everyone.
James for his super funny and happy nature.
Sarah W for displaying kindness and thoughtfullness towards others and always being happy.
Bucket Fillers
Star for being ready for prayer every morning.
Calee-Bree for being a 'happy chappie' every afternoon in line up.
Catholic Schools Week - Week 9
Monday - Open classrooms - parents are welcome to come in and view students working as normal between 9:30 - 11am. Parents may stay for 10 minutes or longer.
Tuesday - Yr 6 leaders to represent St Mary's in Cootamundra at the WR Catholic School's Week Mass.
Wednesday- Art Space fence decoration.
Thursday- Fiver for a Farmer - Students may come dressed as a farmer (families asked to donate $5 to the relief fund)
Crunch n Sip- students to share their fruit and veg for their class platter (September is Fruit and Veg Month)
Liturgy at 12:30 (outside - weather permitting).
Lunch time-after students have eaten lunch have a dance session on the oval e.g. Boot scootin, and a song to 'floss' to as a school. We can play music through the loud speaker and spread out on the grass. Simple and Fun.....
Friday- At our mini assembly after lunch we focus on our 5 students who are about to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sunday 23 September.
A lovely week celebrating our journey in faith together with family and supporting community.
Catholic Education Week 2018: Discovering New Horizons
The theme has been aligned with the official Year of Youth theme for 2018 and is derived from a speech given by Pope Francis at World Youth Day 2016 where he called young people and the Church to ‘open new horizons for spreading joy’.
McAuley Catholic Central School Performance
K-6 will attend the "Wakeup Booktopia" performance on Wednesday 26th September (Week 10) in Tumut.
The students will travel to and from Tumut with Goodes Coaches. The bus will leave Batlow at 9.45am and the students will have morning tea at the Wynyard Centre Park. We will then walk to the Montreal Theatre. After the performance students and teachers will walk to Richmond Park for lunch.
Goodes Coaches will pick up at 1.45pm and students will be back at St Mary's for normal pick up and buses.
Please pack plenty to eat and drink and a school hat.
Recently we have noticed that incorrect uniform has been worn by many students. Parents and Carers are asked to please send children in the correct school uniform.
The uniform shop is stocked with items. Orders and money can be sent in to the office if you require them.
Sports days are normally Monday and Friday which is the RED jumper, SKY BLUE polo top, NAVY trackpants or shorts in warm weather, WHITE socks and joggers (preferably white, navy or black).
FULL uniform is to be worn on Tuesday,Wednesdays and Thursdays. GIRLS NAVY jumper, NAVY dress pants/ shorts or Winter/summer dress, NAVY tights, SKY BLUE skivvy or shirt, NAVY jumper and WHITE socks. BOYS GREY pants/shorts, BLUE shirt or skivvy, NAVY jumper and GREY socks. ALL STUDENTS BLACK shoes NO JOGGERS please.
If your child is out of uniform for any reason, a note is required.
Week 9
Tuesday 18th - School Leaders WR Catholic School's Week Mass Cootamundra.
Wednesday 19th - 2/3 Daycare Visit
Sunday 23rd - First Holy Communion Mass 8.30am
Monday 24th - Community Council Executive Meeting
Please keep in your prayers our five children preparing for the sacrament of First Holy Communion this Sunday. Sophie, EJ, Emily, Sarah W and Ted will receive this sacrament during the 8.30am Mass on Sunday morning.
Fr Michael will be here to celebrate Mass with the children and their families.
Everyone is welcome to join in this special Mass and the celebration afterwards. Please bring a plate of food to share.
Thank you to the students that sang at the Official Opening of the Batlow Fire Station yesterday. The students sang beautifully, entertaining the guests with their performance.
Term 4 begins on Monday 15th October and concludes on Tuesday 18th December
School Photos - Tuesday 23rd October
2018 Award Evening - Monday 17th December
Year 6 Graduation Mass - Friday 14th December
Last Thursday, St Mary's Feast Day was celebrated with a liturgy, lead by Year 2/3 students and Miss Buckmaster. The singing in the church was beautiful and our Year 6 leaders cut the feast day cake to honour Mary our Patron Saint.
Thank you to Mrs Sullivan and her band of helpers, Cindy Skein, Martin Sullivan and Letishia Fayle for providing an amazing lunch for our students.
Tuesday 23rd October will be our school photo day this year. These will make a great Christmas gift for family and friends! Envelopes were sent home today.
Each student has their own personalised envelope. Also sibling envelopes have been give to families with more than one child.
All envelopes are to be bought back on the day of photography and taken to the photographer.
If however you prefer you can send your envelopes back to school prior the school will collect them and give to the photographer on the day.
The weather appears to be warming up faster than we expected. Parents/carers are asked to provide school hats for students on warmer days. Please ensure your child has a hat in their school bag everyday.
Mrs Joanne Shore has announced her resignation from her permanent teaching position at St Mary's School. We thank Mrs Shore for her contribution to our school and wish her all the best for the future.
A reminder to families that the afternoon bell goes at 3pm. We ask that students are picked up promptly. Thank you for your support with this matter.
Operation Christmas boxes and $10 per box if you have not already paid, are due back to the office next week. (Week 10)
St Mary's new school app is now setup and ready to use.
SZapp is a great way to keep up to date with our latest news and information. Using SZapp will give you easy access to information such as:
- Newsletters on the go
- Latest News & Reminders
- Calendar
- Policies and Documents
- Digital Forms
When subscribing to SZapp please make sure that you add yourself to any of the applicable groups. This will ensure that you are receiving all relevant notifications.
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