Dear Parents and Carers,
Last Friday was 'moving day' and I am pleased to report that all went to plan and our new classroom arrangements are in place. Year 2/3/4 is in the old library and look very comfortable with their additional space. The new library is set up in the old Year 5/6 room and Year 5/6 look like they are 'back home' in their classroom from 2018. Although it was a big day last Friday all went smoothly with minimal disruption. Thank you must go to staff who spent additional time over the weekend to ensure lessons were back to normal by Monday.
Next year St Mary's have registration which means we need to spend time going over our policy documents in detail. This is a good opportunity for staff to revise and renew dated policies. The first policy we will be looking at is our Pastoral Care and Student Wellbeing Policy. This is a significant document which will also require consultation with Community Council and then parents.
Last Sunday students presented Liturgy in Mass. We had ten students representing with their families and it was a beautiful celebration of the meaning of the Trinity.
Thank you to all families who came along and enjoyed a cuppa afterwards. Ms Baron was there as well and she says hello to everyone at St Mary's.
Have a lovely week everyone,