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- Principal's Message
- Community Council Executive Meeting
- Head Lice - Conjunctivitis.
- NO Winter Warmer THIS Wednesday.
- McAuley Catholic Central School Performance
- Year 4/5/6 Canberra Excursion
- Thank You
- Cake Raffle Week 8
- Home Cooking
- Radio Presenters Week 9
- Student Banking
- Awards Week 7 Term 3
- Catholic Schools Week
- 2019 Kindergarten Visit
- Batlow Fire Station Opening
- Daycare Visit
- St Mary's Feast Day
- Kindness Quote
- Year 4/5/6 Class Assembly
- This Week At St Mary's
- Term 4 Dates
- School Photos
- School Hats
- Term 4 Dates
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Week 8. Hard to believe we are nearing the end of another term! We were delighted to see our Year 4/5/6 return safely from Canberra on Friday evening, after a wonderful three days exploring our national capital city. A very big thank you to Mrs Murray and Mrs Richards for taking such great care of our lovely students.
This week we are looking forward to celebrating our St Mary’s School Feast day in honour of Mary, the Mother of God. Year 2/3 have prepared a beautiful liturgy which they will present at 12.00pm on Thursday in St Mary’s Church. Parents and friends are most welcome to join us for liturgy and stay and enjoy lunch with their child/ren.
Today we have had the pleasure of hosting teachers from our local Catholic schools who joined us for a literacy cluster meeting. This has been a wonderful opportunity to share the great things that are happening with literacy across our Archdiocese.
On Wednesday we look forward to welcoming our 2019 Kindergarten students to our school. The visit is to help familiarise the children with our school environment, the other students and teaching staff in readiness for 2019. It is always an exciting time for our new students and their families.
St Mary’s is in the process of updating our newsletter to a digital newsletter and hope to be paperless through the SchoolZine platform. You may have noticed a digital version come out last week as a trial. The digital newsletter will have links to our school website, Face Book page, calendar and weekly items. The ‘SZapp’ will be available shortly for parents to download to their phones to enable you to receive the new newsletter. This will replace our Skoolbag app in time. We are also in the process of updating our school website through Schoolzine. The website will receive a much needed overhaul and a new updated look very shortly.
Please join Year 4/5/6 and Mrs Richards on Friday when they present their class assembly at 2pm.
Plans are in place for a wonderful Catholic Schools Week celebration next week. We have much to celebrate and be proud of at St Mary’s! unfortunately, I will be away attending the Australian Primary Principal’s Association (APPA) Conference however Mrs Richards has the celebrations in hand. Mrs Richards will be Acting Principal for the week and word has leaked that she is great at ‘boot scootin’!
Happy week,
Christine Baron
Community Council Executive Meeting
There will be a Community Council Executive Meeting on Monday 24th September at 4.30pm. If you have any items for the agenda please email the secretary,
There has been a report of Head Lice and Conjunctivitis.
Head Lice
Please check your childs hair and take the appropriate steps.
Mechanical removal or 'comb and conditioner' method
What you need for this method:
- Normal comb to detangle hair prior to using metal lice comb
- Fine toothed metal lice comb (available from your local chemist or online)
- Conditioner - buy a cheap brand as you will be needing a lot of it, and preferably one that is white to make spotting the lice easier
- White paper towel
Mechanical removal involves applying conditioner to dry hair. Cover all of the hair with conditioner, detangle hair with normal comb and separate into sections. Then, using a fine long toothed metal lice comb, comb through the hair in sections. The conditioner does not kill lice but stuns them for about 20 minutes enabling easier removal. The long toothed metal comb will remove nits and the stunned head lice. Wipe the comb on a white tissue and check for any lice or nits. Keep combing until no more appear on the tissue. This method should be done every second or third day until no nits and lice remain, usually about 7 to 10 days. Please see the explanation below for more detailed guidance.
Chemical removal
What you need for this method:
- Normal comb to detangle hair prior to using metal lice comb
- Chemical treatment containing synthetic or natural insecticides that kill head lice (talk to your local pharmacist to identify the treatments containing insecticides)
- Fine toothed metal lice comb (available from your local chemist or online)
- White paper towel
If you choose to use a chemical treatment, remember to follow the instructions carefully. You will also need to comb through the hair to ensure the treatment is working. If you find dead lice it means the product has worked. If you find live lice, the treatment has not worked. Don't be tempted to re-apply or over-apply the same chemical if it doesn't appear to be working. Instead switch to another treatment that uses a different chemical compound or use the ‘comb and conditioner method’ as described under the mechanical removal. It is very important that you repeat the chemical treatment in seven days to kill any newly hatched eggs as most chemical treatments will not kill the eggs (nits).
Once your child is free of lice and nits, remember to regularly check with a fine toothed head lice comb and conditioner as described above. Early detection and treatment will prevent re-infestation of other family members and classmates.
Infectious conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis can be caused by an infection (either a virus or bacteria), which is highly contagious. Your child could develop infectious conjunctivitis if they come into contact with:
- the discharge from the eyes, nose or throat of an infected person through touch, coughing or sneezing
- contaminated fingers or objects
- contaminated water or contaminated towels when swimming.
A person with infectious conjunctivitis will remain infectious as long as there is a discharge from their eye.
If your child has infectious conjunctivitis, do not allow them to share eye drops, tissues, make-up, towels or pillowcases with other people. Children with infectious conjunctivitis should be kept home from child care, kindergarten or school until the discharge from the eyes has cleared. Be sure to regularly wash hands thoroughly to prevent the infection spreading to others.
NO Winter Warmer THIS Wednesday.
There will be NO Winter Warmers TOMORROW as there will be a SPECIAL LUNCH ORDER on Thursday for St Mary's Feast Day. Lunches will also be available from BTS both days.
McAuley Catholic Central School Performance
K-6 will attend the McAuley Performance "Wakeup Booktopia" on Wednesday 26th September (Week 10) in Tumut. Students will travel to Tumut with Goodes Coaches.
Students from 4/5/6 have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government has contributed funding of $20 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
Day 1:
This afternoon we enjoyed the National Art Gallery and settled into our accommodation at Canberra Park Resort. Roast dinner and banana muffin for dessert before heading onto Telstra Tower. Time for a milo and then bed!
Day 2:
Wow what a brilliant day! We started with singing Brendan happy birthday! Then of to the Museum of Democracy, Mass at St Christopher’s Cathedral, a trip up Mt Ainslie and then to Parliament House. Brendan was the Speaker in our role play of ‘Should TV commercials be banned’. Interesting debate that may continue at home. Students are learning so much and are having an awesome experience.
A huge thank you to Robert Pearce for getting all the balls off the school roof.
The Bartlett Family is asked to supply the cake for the cake raffle this Friday 14th September. Tickets 20c each.
The Pearce and Parsons Families are rostered for Home Cooking this Friday 14th September. Items sold at recess for 50c.
Hazel and Liam P will present St Mary's News on Sounds of the Mountains 96.3FM next Tuesday 18th September at 1.45pm. Tune in to hear all the exciting things happening at St Mary's.
School banking day is Every Monday at St Mary's.
What's School Banking?
The School Banking program provides a fun, interactive and engaging way for young Australians to learn about money and develop good saving habits.
School Banking encourages children to regularly deposit money into their Youthsaver account and earn silver Dollarmites tokens, which can then be redeemed for an exciting reward through our School Banking Rewards Program.
All you’ll need to do is open a Youthsaver account for your child or they can use their existing one.
The Youthsaver account is a savings account that has no monthly account fees and offers a competitive bonus interest rate when you make at least one deposit and no withdrawals in a calendar month.
To help reward individual savings efforts, every time a student makes a deposit into their Youthsaver account through School Banking, they’ll receive a silver Dollarmites token.
Once they’ve collected 10 tokens, they can redeem them for one of our exciting reward items. Two items are made available each term. Students also receive a certificate when they reach certain savings milestones.
For more information please call the school.
Kinder/Year 1:
Lacey H for applying herself with focus and perserverance during Maths.
Lucas T for increasing his number of writen sentences in Literacy.
Year 2/3:
Sebastian P for using great creative language when writing stories.
Demianna for always working hard and perservering when challenged.
Catholic School's Week - Week 9
Monday - Open classrooms - parents are welcome to come in and view students working as normalbetween 9:30-11am. Parents may stay for 10 minutes or longer.
Tuesday - Yr 6 leaders to represent St Mary's in Cootamundra at the WR Catholic School's Week Mass.
Wednesday- Art Space fence decoration.... to be confirmed.
Thursday- Fiver for a Farmer - Students may come dressed as a farmer (families asked to donate $5 to the relief fund)
Crunch n Sip- students to share their fruit and veg for their class platter (September is Fruit and Veg Month)
Liturgy at 12:30 (outside - weather permitting).
Lunch time-after students have eaten lunch have a dance session on the oval e.g. Boot scootin, and a song to 'floss' to as a school. We can play music through the loud speaker and spread out on the grass. Simple and Fun.....
Friday- At our mini assembly after lunch we focus on our 5 students who are about to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sunday 23 September.
A lovely week celebrating our journey in faith together with family and supporting community.
Catholic Education Week 2018: Discovering New Horizons
The theme has been aligned with the official Year of Youth theme for 2018 and is derived from a speech given by Pope Francis at World Youth Day 2016 where he called young people and the Church to ‘open new horizons for spreading joy’.
TOMORROW Wednesday the 12th September, 2019 Kindergarten children will visit St Mary’s. If you know anyone interested in enrolling their child for Kindergarten next year or anyone who would like to have a look at our school, please let them know about TOMORROW.
The Fire and Rescue NSW Commissioner has extended an invitation for St Mary’s choir to attend and participate at the Batlow Fire Station Opening located at 32 Mill Road Batlow on Monday 17th September 2018 at 3.30pm (after school). St Mary’s would participate by singing the National Anthem at the beginning of the ceremony and provide a closing song or musical item at the end of the ceremony. If you would like your child to participate, please return the slip sent home yesterday. There will be light refreshments after the ceremony. The Commissioner also extends this invitation to the family of the participants.
Year 4/5/6 will visit our elderly friends at Batlow Hospital this Wednesday 12th September.
St Mary's Feast Day will be celebrated THIS Thursday 13th September.
Liturgy at 12pm, followed by lunch and some special Feast Day activities.
We look forward to celebrating this special day. ALL WELCOME.
Year 4/5/6 will hold their class assembly in the school library this Friday 14th September at 2pm. ALL WELCOME
Week 8 at St Mary's:
A special week and busy week ahead for St Mary's as we celebrate the feast day of our patron saint, Saint Mary.
Mon 10th: Police Visit to K/1
Tues 11th: Welcome afternoon tea for K/1 teacher Miss Soulsby and Mrs O, from 3:15pm.
Wed 12th: Kinder Orientation 10-11:30am. NO Winter Warmers - cancelled.
Thurs 13th: Magic Maths & St Mary's School Feast Day.
Year 2/3 Liturgy, 12pm. All parents are invited to attend and stay for our special lunch following.
Friday 14th: Year 4/5/6 Assembly. 2pm in St Mary's Library.
Term 4 begins on Monday 15th October and concludes on Tuesday 18th December
School Photos - Tuesday 23rd October
2018 Award Evening - Monday 17th December
Year 6 Graduation Mass - Friday 14th December
School photos for 2018 will be held on Tuesday 23rd October. Each child will be sent home their own persobnalised envelope. Also Sibling envelopes will be sent home for families with more than one child at the school.
The weather appears to be warming up faster than we expected. Parents/carers are asked to provide school hats for students on warmer days. Please ensure your child has a hat in their school bag everyday.