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- Principal's Message
- Lunch Order Menu For Term 2
- From the REC
- Easter and Holy Week Masses
- Week 10 Awards
- Catholic Schools Enrolling Now
- Home Cooking
- Cake Raffle
- Birthday Wishes
- Anzac Day March
- Kindergarten 2020
- Dates To Remember
- Out Of School Hours
- Working With Children Check
- Live Life Well
- Kinder & Year 1 Daycare Visit
- Year 2/3/4 Maths
- Parenting Riverina
- Community Events
- Thought of the Week
Hello Everyone,
Yesterday, we held our Cross Country event at the Batlow Golf Course and the Batlow Showground in picture perfect conditions. The students walked the course first and then ran in their events competing in their age groups. It was great to be out of the school on a large field. The students had a wonderful time playing in between events. Students who have been successful in their race are now invited to go onto the next level of competition, the Western Region Carnival Cross Country in Harden, Friday 3 May. Students will be bringing those notes home today and all notes need to be returned to school by this Thursday.
Thank you to the responses for our new canteen options from Term 2. Parent responses were strongly in support of lunch orders being ordered from outside the school. So, we will be sourcing lunch orders from the Batlow Bakery on Mondays and Fridays only starting from Friday 3 May. Please see the menu from Batlow Bakery in this newsletter. Winter Warmers will begin again next term on Wednesdays which is a fund raiser for our school, driven by Community Council. A winter warmer menu will be sent out by the end of this week. Therefore, no lunches will be available on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Class excursions for this year are nearly finalized and notes will be emailed to parents tomorrow. In short details are: K/1 Boggy Creek 15th May, 2/3/4 Expression of interest for an overnight stay at Borambola 11th & 12th November and 5/6 Beechworth overnight excursion September 24th & 25th.
As this is the final week of term before Palm Sunday, and then Easter, we will be having a liturgy this Thursday and then a special lunch. Please know that parents and friends are most welcome to join with us.
Teachers will be participating in professional development in Cootamundra on Monday 29 April titled Challenging Learning. This will be led by Martin Renton from the UK.
Therefore, we will see students start Term 2 on Tuesday 30 April. I would like to wish everyone a wonderful, safe and restful holiday with family and friends.
On Thursday the children at St Mary's will symbolically share a meal together as Jesus did at the Last Supper. Our celebration will begin at 12.30pm with a procession of palms. Then as a whole school we will have a meal together.
There is no charge for lunch and all dietary requirements will be met.
Parents/Carers are most welcome to join us.
The Holy Week Mass times are as follows:
Good Friday Stations of the Cross Service 10am
Easter Sunday 10am
Holy Thursday 7pm
Good Friday 3pm
Holy Saturday 6pm.
Holy Thursday 7pm
Good Friday 3pm
Holy Saturday7pm
Easter Sunday 10am
Student of The Week
K/1 James and Elise
2/3/4 Amara and Dylan
5/6 Caleb and Jade
Principal's and Year 6 Award
Sarah, Phillip & Logan
Bucket Fillers
A volunteer family is needed this Friday 12th April for Home cooking please.
Thank you to the Sullivan family for volunteering last week and the Bradfield family this week.
The Salmon family are our last cake raffle family for Term 1.
Thank you to all the families who have been on cake raffle throughout the Term.
A big happy birthday to Edie who turns 7 this Saturday 13th April. And a happy holiday birthday to Annie who turns 10 on the 24th April.
As in previous years St Mary's will participate in the Anzac Day March on Thursday 25th April.
Students are asked to meet Mrs Richards and Miss Buckmaster at the RSL carpark at 2.45pm ready for the 3pm march.
Year 6 leaders will be carrying the banner, read the prayer and lay a wreath.
ALL students are to be in FULL uniform befitting the weather (winter or summer) and wearing black school shoes not joggers please.
If you know of anyone with a child starting Kindergarten in 2020, plese let them know that St Mary's will be holding an Information Evening on Thursday 16th May at 5.30pm. The information evening is open to all parents or carers who would like to find out more information about St Mary's and the educational programs being offered.
Term 1 Ends Friday 12th April - 11 week term.
Term 2 Begins for students Tuesday 30th April.
WR Cross Country Harden - 3rd May
Athletics Carnival - 8th May (23rd May back up date)
NAPLAN Year 3 and 5 - Tues 14th, Wed 15th, Thur 16th May
Life Ed Van - 24th May
WR Athletics Cootamundra - 28th June
Term 2 ends Friday 5th July.
Trivia night Saturday 7th September
When students or families are here outside of school hours for any reason, parents/carers are responsible for your child/ren.
This also applies to parents volunteering or any paid workers who have children accompanying them. Paid and Volunteer adults are covered under our insurance but children are not when out of school hours.
Thank you for your assistance in ensuring your children are safe at all times when on the school grounds.
Any volunteers or paid workers are required have a working with children check before being able to work or volunteer in a child related place.
This can be obtained FREE for volunteers or at a cost for paid workers at Service NSW.
Attached is the latest Parenting Riverina Programs Calendar. All events are free.
Monday, 15th April. – Thursday, 18th April.
(1st Week)
Held at the Tumut Lawn Tennis Club
Morning classes for juniors
(9.00 – 10.30am; 10.30 – 12.00md)
(Limited numbers per class so bookings essential)
Contact Bernadette Cahill on 6947 4968 or 0427 343 904