St Mary’s National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence was a colour explosion! Thank you to students, parents and teachers for recognising the significance of this day and helping us to celebrate our diversity. It is ok to be different! No one should be teased, bullied or hurt because they look different, act differently or think differently. But the real lesson here is that working together to stop bullying and acts of violence should happen every day, not just on a designated national day. Let us keep the conversation going at home and at school, and continue to make our school a happy and safe environment for all.
Last week, William Smith travelled to Canberra for the Open Rugby League Team Archdiocesan Trials and was successful in gaining selection. Congratulations William on gaining this opportunity. We look forward to hearing about your achievements in the next level of competition.
This week, teachers will be conducting parent teacher interviews. I trust you will find the experience a valuable one which will set the learning path for your child’s development over the year. If you have yet to secure a time, please phone or email the front office to arrange an interview.
Coming up shortly is our Athletics Carnival which will be held at the Batlow Showground Thursday 28th March. St Joseph’s Adelong will be combining with us for this event. Please fill out and submit the permission notes and lunch order notes which are being sent out in the szapp and email today.
Lastly, thank you to the students who helped present Liturgy at Mass on Sunday. It was a small group, but from small we can grow. Always know that you are welcome.
Have a great week!