Dear Parents,
Teachers are busily finalising assessment details and preparing student reports for this semester. Reports will be released via Compass Friday 8 December. If parents would like a parent teacher conference before the end of the year they are to contact the classroom teacher directly to arrange a mutual time.
Our students continue to work solidly in their Literacy and Numeracy blocks each day. In K/1/2, students are in well organised routines with all student needs being targeted. Ms Buckmaster and her team, Ms Brown and Ms Holland, are to be congratulated on the nurturing and robust learning environment they provide in the K/1/2 classroom. In Yr 3 /4 and 5/6 our Spelling Mastery program is in its final weeks. Our students results are so impressive! Spelling at St Mary's has really turned around under the new programme we have used since 2022. If parents are interested to see how we start each day please let us know. Parents can come for a walkthrough from 9 to 9:45 Monday to Thursday and see the programs in operation. You would be most welcome to pop in and take a look.
Trivia Night
What an amazing fundraising event our Trivia Night is! Congratulations to Ms Tracee Holland and Ms Kerrie Ambrose, and Community Council helpers for making this night not only a fundraiser but a fun night for our community. This year $4950 was raised. Our Community Council is a small team but always looking for new members. If your interested please chat to Tracee Holland, Kathy Hamilton or Samantha Flenley. I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.
New noticeboard
In a joint initiative funded by the school and the Community Council, a new noticeboard will be installed on our playground over the coming month. This will showcase upcoming events quickly and efficiently.
Transition Day 3
Our new Kindergarten students 2024 return tomorrow morning for Day 3 transition. Next week will be their final transition day and coincides with new principal Mr Ryan Forsyth's final changeover visit. A parent morning tea at 11am is open to all parents to attend and meet Ryan ahead of next year.
Have a lovely week everyone.