Dear Parents,
As you are aware my resignation as Principal has been recently announced. Thank you for the positive messages I have received regarding my plans for next year. I have appreciated your comments and understanding. Catholic Education is now in the process of recruiting for a new Principal to be appointed for the next 5 years. The advertisement has already generated interest and we look forward to an announcement in early Term 3. As we prepare to celebrate 100 years of St Mary’s in Batlow, it is very pleasing to see that plans are being laid for the next phase of educating our children at St Mary’s into the future.
Teachers and students are busy consolidating learning from Semester One. As classroom teachers complete assessments, and prepare reports, please consider booking in early for your Parent Teacher Conference in Wk 10. Conferences will be held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the last week of this term. This can be done via the Compass Parent Portal.
WR Athletics Carnival
This event is scheduled for Friday 16 June in Tumut. Parents of eligible students are asked to respond to the Compass Event invite by tomorrow. Nomination fees are $10 per student. We have an issue with the Compass portal so forms are being sent home today for those still to respond. Please forward money and forms to the front office tomorrow, but do not use Compass Pay.
Have a lovely week everyone!