Dear Parents,
I am back from the Middle East and have to say that the pilgrimage through the Holy Lands was a truly amazing experience. I am so grateful that I had this opportunity with the support of Catholic Education and especially my staff, who were fully supportive of picking up my load whilst I was away. I will update parents and students about the highlights over the coming weeks. There is a lot to share! That being said it is lovely to be back home and with our wonderful students again. We live in a beautiful part of the world and our peaceful community is something to hold dear.
Mini Assembly with Yr 6
Timing has shifted to Friday afternoons at 2:45pm for our mini assemblies. Tomorrow, Di Droscher will be with us to present the Batlow RSL Sub Branch awards and of course we will have our regular awards too. Please know that you are always welcome to be with us.
Breakfast Top Up
Help is needed to assist us in running this important programme from Monday to Thursday. If you could offer support in the morning from 8:40 to 8:55 the students would be most grateful. Please contact me if you are interested.
Upcoming Event
Submit permissions through the Compass Portal. Do not use Compass Pay if payment is required. Please pay by cash for all events.
- Tuesday 9 May Mortimer Shield Yr 5/6 students
- Friday 12 May Athletics Carnival
- Tuesday 16 May Athletics Carnival Back Up date
- Thursday 18 May K-6 Excursion to Wagga to The Twits
Have a lovely week everyone.