Dear Parents,
And here we are in Week 10! Congratulations especially to our Kindergarten students who look like they have been at school for three terms already! Well done Rafa, Evie, Jackson and Mack! Please be aware of the following details at the beginning of next term:
Monday 24 April -Pupil Free Day
Staff will be attending a Spirituality Day in Tumut on this day. There will be no one in the front office.
Anzac Day Tuesday 25 April
All students are asked to assemble to march as St Mary's Primary School school wearing full school uniform (including hats and black school shoes). We assemble at the Batlow RSL carpark at 10:15am and the march commences at 10:30am. Our Yr 6 students will be leading the group. This is an important date for all of us to stop and pause. I hope you can join us.
Western Region Cross Country-Grenfell
Students attending the Western Region X Country on Friday 28 April should have all details now. I wish all competitors good luck and hope they have the chance to do some training over the holidays. Ms Jackson will be the teacher in charge in Grenfell on the day.
I will be taking some leave at the beginning of Term 2 as I travel to the Holy Lands on a pilgrimage. This has been on my bucket list for some time. I will be visiting Bethlehem, Jerusalem and many sites where Jesus preached and missioned to those less fortunate. I will have much to share on my return, Thursday 4 May. Ms Buckmaster will be in charge in my absence. Mr Lawson will be on Year 5/6.
Holy Week
It is Holy week this week and today we celebrated Holy Thursday with Mass. The significance of Jesus' journey to the cross is a powerful reminder to us all that we all bear our own cross and are challenged to live and discern with right judgement. On some days this can be easy, on other days it can be very challenging.
As we approach Easter Sunday, I extend my blessings to all parents and students for a holy Easter and a very happy holiday.
Students will commence Term 2 Wednesday 26 April.