It has been a solid learning week in all classes at St Marys as we are now settled into our learning programs of InitiaLit ( K/1/2) Spelling Mastery (Yr 3-6). All classes are using Daily Review in Maths. Being back on class regularly with Yr 5/6 has been rewarding for myself as I see the continuity of student progress using some truly brilliant teaching resources that we implement across our diocese. Teaching is not a boring job and to see students engaging with content positively still makes my day!
Semester 2 Reporting- an update on Semester Reporting from Catholic Education has been forwarded to all parents via Compass. More details about parent teacher meetings will be forwarded next week.
Fee Remissions-parents seeking fee remissions must apply every year and complete the necessary application form. The Fee Committe receives all applications in confidence. Please see Compass post for further details.
Student Pick Up Concerns- I write once again to ask parents to stop parking vehicles in front of our school gates in the driveway.The movement of our children at 3:00pm is fast, busy and the chance of an accident is high. To avoid congestion at the gate could parents please come onto the school playground to pick up their children rather than gather on the sidewalk.