Dear Parents,
This week we presented Spelling Mastery Certificates to all students who were part of the programme. Their spelling knowledge and results are very impressive and students have been asked to share their workbooks with parents over the coming days. We will be continuing this programme into 2023.
Dates for 2023
- K-6 commence Wednesday 1 February
- Swimming Carnival -Batlow 3 February
- White Cross Dental 8 February
- Opening Mass Thursday 9 February
We are now winding down and finishing the year with our St Mary's traditions.
Gift Giving
Thank you for your help in providing a gift. Students have spent all year together with their friends and it is a fitting act of kindness in the spirit of giving.
Pool Celebration Tomorrow
This celebration is always highly anticipated especially as the funds come from Home Cooking and Cake raffle days. It is at the Adelong Pool this year, due to the Batlow pool upgrade. Although the weather is 'fresh', the forecast for Friday is fine and 22 degrees. Students will enjoy the bus ride, have some water play and eating some hot chips with their friends. Students will be back at school by 1:45pm.
Clap Out!
School concludes tomorrow afternoon at 3pm with our traditional clap out for Yr 6. Please join us by coming onto the school grounds and forming this guard of honour with us.
Seasons Greetings
On behalf of all staff at St Mary's we wish you a very Merry Christmas and holiday season.