Dear Parents,
The official events for 2022 have now been completed. Thank you to everyone for your support of one or both events, our Awards Evening and Thanksgiving Graduation Mass. They were both celebrations of us, our small school, with a big heart and a family focus. Thank you.
Final week events
- Monday Jo Murrell visiting to view our new garden space as items were donated by Anglicare.
- Tuesday Senior Officer for Aboriginal Students, Katrina Cambridge, will be visiting St Mary's.
- Wednesday Open Parachute providing a free BBQ lunch for all students.
- Thursday Gift Giving Day-Children to bring a gift of no more than $10 (preferably something a boy or girl would like)
- Friday Pool Celebration-Adelong Pool-Details forwarded soon.
2023 Fees
Please see the 2023 School Fees schedule, as approved by the Community Council, included in this newsletter. Parents are advised that tuition fees were increased by 3% and Resource Levies increased by 2%. If you have any questions about the schedule, please don't hesitate to contact Front Office Manager Tracee Holland or myself.
Student Equipment for 2023
Through Student levies all student resources are provided by the school for your children including glue, scissors, books, rulers, pens and pencils. We ask parents to provide only a few items.
Have a lovely week ahead everyone.