Dear Parents,
It has been a great week of beautiful weather so far in Batlow, but unfortunately we are back to wet weather shortly. We hope and pray that families affected by flooding are safe over the continuing crisis. Such a heart wrenching disaster is unfolding for so many.
Jindabyne Excursion 26 October -28 October
This long awaited event is happening next week for students in Yr 4, 5, 6. Ms Buckmaster, Ms Holland and myself will be attending with the students. We will share some of the fun activities via Facebook. All parents have been notified of last minute details, via Compass.
Pioneers Night
This event is happening for our Batlow Community Saturday 5 November. St Mary’s are invited once again to present a small item to start events. We ask that parents please let us know via the link in Compass if they will be able to get their child to the Batlow RSL Club at 6pm to present an item with their class. K/1/2 will be singing and Yr 3/4/5/6 will be drumming. It will be wonderful to get back to representing our school at this important night for Batlow.
Batlow Apples 100
This event is Sunday 6 November. Some of our Yr 6 students have helped me to print some fabric that will be used in the bunting as part of the decorations for the afternoon. If you wish to purchase tickets for this event please see the Resilience Hub’s flyer or call into the hub to secure your tickets. I also ask that you spread the word to anyone who has worked for or has a connection to Batlow Apples. Please let them know about this important milestone and that the lunch in the Literary Institute will be amazing.
No Newsletter in Week 3
Due to the Yr 4/5/6 Excursion there will be no newsletter next week.
Have a lovely week everyone.