Dear Parents,
We have reached the last day of a great term of learning! Our students have worked consistently and our assessment data shows steady movement in a positive direction. Some students have moved ahead with simply amazing results! Teachers constantly collect and collate data from K-6 and then we use the data to inform the 'next steps' in teaching programs. It is a continual cycle of planning, teaching, assessing and evaluating. Currently, our results in Reading and Spelling are the standout subject areas. We are very proud of our students learning. Well done to them all!
Open Day
On Friday 14 October we are having our second Open Day for 2022 for any interested parents wishing to enrol their child/ren to come along and tour our school. We are a small school and would love to grow our numbers K-6. Please share the date to any interested families.
Parent Information Night
On Tuesday 18 October we will have a parent information night for our new parents of Kindergarten students. Commencing at 6:00pm this meeting will give new parents a chance to see our learning programs, ask questions and meet staff. Once again please share this with any prospective new families.
Excursions and Compass
Next term, St Mary's will be 'out and about' again after some very quiet years. Students in Yr 2-6 are off to Boorowa for touch football and Yr 4/5/6 are off to Jindabyne for an outdoor education experience. I ask parents to keep an eye on Compass notifications for any updates. Any payments still need to come into the school account as usual. Eventually, this will change and parents will be able to do payments through Compass too, but not just yet!
Ms Buckmaster and Ms Collins are investigating other excursion opportunities for their class groups as well.
Full summer uniform is to be worn from the beginning of Term 4. This includes school hats. "No Hat play in the Shade" is our rule. Please help us by writing names in hats and jumpers for easy collection when they are misplaced. I also ask that parents check school shoes are full black school shoes on days that are not sport days please.
Tumut Takes 2
Tonight , staff are off to Tumut Takes Two to support Ms Amy Buckmaster and Aimee Zabbia with their fundraising for Do It For Batlow. The funds raised by Yr 6's Meal Deal will be placed in their bucket tonight. Thank you to everyone who participated! A total of $145 was raised.
On a final note, today is the last school day for Term 3. Staff will return to school Monday 10 October for a Staff Development Day and students return Tuesday 11 October.
I wish all students a fabulous break from school routines and look forward to seeing them next term.
Happy holidays!