Dear Parents,
Last week our students settled back into school with the help of fine weather. It was great to see our students outside playing so happily after a very wet Term 2.
Mandatory Reporting
Teachers are mandatory reporters. Staff will be involved in a workshop this Wednesday afternoon. Mandatory reporters are legally bound by legislation to report to the Department of Communities and Justice if they suspect a child is in danger of psychological harm, neglect, and/or abuse. Failure to do so can result in prosecution.
Sport Days Wednesday and Friday
Geoff, from 'Gecko Sports' start with us this Wednesday for six weeks. Students will need to wear their sports uniform on Wednesdays to be comfortable in playing and practising skills in touch footy and volleyball. Sport will still be on Friday as usual.
Enrolments Open
We are preparing for 2023 and I will be holding new student interviews over the coming weeks. If you know of any families hoping to enrol their Kindergarten student at St Mary's in 2023 please ask them to contact myself or the front office.
Online Enrolments can be accessed online.
Pupil Free Days
Extra pupil free days have been allocated to all system schools due to the expected increase of Covid and influenza cases over the coming term. The dates of our additional pupil free days are:
- Friday 19 August
- Monday 12 September
Please make alternative arrangements for your children on those days. Limited supervision will be available and we ask parents to let us know in advance if they need care for their child on those dates.
Have a lovely week everyone.