I hope you all had a special long weekend spending time with family and friends.
With the beautiful snow around and the significant winter chill in the air, it is a timely reminder of those who are less fortunate than us and how they might be finding warmth and comfort this winter season.
On Friday 24th June, St Mary’s will be holding a Winter Appeal to support St Vincent’s De Paul. The Vinnies Winter Appeal provides emergency relief to people at risk and experiencing homelessness. Your donation and support will help ensure that families at risk of homelessness get the financial and emotional support they need to keep themselves and their children safe.
Particularly in these colder months we ask for:
These donations then go directly to people in need in our community or sold at the Vinnies Centre to generate funds for other forms of assistance like case management and assistance with utility bills.
There was amazing support from families last year and we are very happy to support this wonderful cause again this year.
On Friday 24th, students will also be invited to come dressed in warm Winter woollies, enjoy a delicious hot chocolate and participate in some activities in their classroom to bring awareness to how their donations affect others.
Baskets are now available in the front office for students and parents to place items of donation.
Thank you in advance for your support.
We wish Emily, Thomas, Nace and Ethan so many blessings this week as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday evening. These 4 children have spent the past few weeks preparing with parents and the Tumut parish. We wish them a wonderful evening celebrating with their families.
Children’s Mass
St Mary’s will present Mass next Sunday, 26th June. It would be wonderful to have many children attend and be part of our Mass. Could you please let me know if you are able to attend and I will give your child a special role. amy.buckmaster@cg.catholic.edu.au
Have a lovely week and keep warm!
Amy Buckmaster - Religious Education Coordinator