This week started with our athletics carnival. All events were completed except for long jump. Age Champions and the House Trophy will be presented at a later date. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who came down to enjoy the events and to help with setting up, packing up and time keeping. Your support is really appreciated.
Working Bee
This Saturday 14 May is our Working Bee. We need a hand with the following:
Erecting our 3m x 3m garden shed.
Filling our 3 new garden beds with soil.
Clearing out old furniture from under the school.
Moving some agapanthus and levelling soil.
We look forward to your support. If you are unavailable this Saturday you may be able to help out either the day before or the day after. Please give the school a call and let me know what you can do.
Assembly and Open Afternoon
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and grandparents to our K-6 Assembly on Friday 20 May. We will have a BBQ at 1:00pm for everyone to enjoy followed by the assembly at 1:45pm. After assembly, parents may look through the school with your children/grandchildren. It will be lovely to have a large gathering here on site, so please save the date.
The month of May is a special time for Catholics to honour the Blessed Mother Mary - our St Mary’s school patron saint. Her life in the Gospel was one of service and great devotion to Jesus. While she has a somewhat low profile in the Gospels, her words resonate with us today and challenge us to follow her example of humility, obedience, and service to God.
During Whole School Prayer throughout May, we will gather together as a school community to pray the rosary together, led by our Year 6 leaders.
In May we celebrate Mary, our Mother, and just as importantly we also celebrate the wonderful mothers in our lives on Mother’s Day. I hope all of our St Mary’s mothers, grandmothers, aunties and honorary mothers had a very special day on Sunday. I hope you were celebrated and surrounded by lots of love and laughter.
Thank you to those who purchased and sold tickets in our raffle. Thank you to generous families, over $500 was raised and will be donated to Caritas for ongoing projects.