The word ‘Advent’ means ‘coming’. Jesus is coming, and Advent is intended to be a season of preparation for His arrival. When we light the candles on the wreath, it symbolises the coming of light (Jesus) into the world.
Candle 1 (violet): represents hope
Candle 2 (violet): represents peace
Candle 3 (rose): represents joy
Candle 4 (violet): represents love
Each week, a new candle is lit gradually dispelling more and more of the darkness as we draw ever closer to the coming of Christ at Christmas. By the final week of Advent, all four candles are lit reminding us that the time to rejoice has finally arrived! The central white candle is lit on Christmas Day and represents Christ.
“As We Await the Blessed Hope…”
These words, said during the Communion Rite, state clearly the meaning of Advent enshrined in the Advent Wreath. As we light the candles we should be grateful for the coming of Christ who came to save us from the darkness of sin and death so that we might have eternal life.
“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.” Isaiah 9:1
Prepare reflectively for Christmas using the free online Walking Together Advent resource. Created by families for families, this home-grown Archdiocesan program will be made available in 4 instalments - one each week - including a 10 minute video and downloadable discussion/reflection questions. Use it whenever suits you, alone or in a small group. Or join a weekly zoom discussion group.
Watch a 3 minute trailer:
Explore the resource:
Join a zoom discussion group this Sunday 4pm or this Tuesday 10am
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 961 8683 9540
Enquiries 0429 192 869
Families are invited to please give generously to our St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hampers with donations of non-perishable food goods. Baskets are located in classrooms for students to place their items into. Your kindness can make a difference to people in need in our community this Christmas.
Melissa Hotham - Religious Education Coordinator