Dear Parents,
Transition starts this Week!
We are very excited to welcome 4 new students into Kindergarten in 2022 as they commence their transition to big school today and then every Wednesday through November. A big welcome to Anna, Maddie, Catherine and Landon, and their families, as they start on their primary schooling journey with us.
COVID Restrictions
With some COVID restrictions still operating in our local government area parents are reminded to drop off and pick up their children at the gate, wear masks and QR code if they need to enter the school grounds for student wellbeing reasons. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Religious Education Coordinator Appointment 2022
I would like to let parents and our community know that Ms Amy Buckmaster has been appointed as the Religious Education Coordinator for St Mary’s in 2022. Amy has worked at St Mary’s for four years as a classroom teacher and is looking forward to working in her new leadership position. Amy replaces Ms Melissa Hotham as REC who is leaving St Mary’s to take up her role of Principal at St Joseph’s Grenfell next year.
World Teachers Day
Last, but not least, it was World Teacher’s Day last Friday. Our teachers are, more often than not, behind the camera when we share our students’ day with families, but I rustled up some photos to share with you today. I am so very proud of our fantastic St Mary’s staff who do so much behind the scenes to support the learning and wellbeing of our students on a daily basis. We are a team and it easy to come to work everyday because they are so dedicated to our students. The Community Council provided us morning tea and lunch last Friday , which we really enjoyed. Thank you!
Have a lovely week everyone.