Dear Parents,
Congratulations to Nace, Ethan and Thomas on receiving their sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sunday. All three boys stood proudly along with their families. It has been a little while since we had a sacramental celebration in our beautiful church and it made me very proud to witness it. Thank you parents and Ms Hotham for your preparation of the candidates.
Book Week Parade and Book Fair
This term our Book Fair is scheduled for Week 7, 15-19 November. Ms Murray organises this yearly event through Scholastic and puts a spotlight on the wonderful world of literature. We have decided that our postponed Book Week Parade will be a perfect ending to that week on Friday 19 November. We hope to parade our costumes first thing in the morning and enjoy some activities during the day. Costumes can be creative, elaborate or simply stated. It is always a fun day!
Compass and Semester Reports
Our Compass app has been in operation now for nearly a term and the additional features of Compass will slowly be expanded over the next 12 months. This semester, student reports will be forwarded to parents via the Compass app. Paper copies of the report will only be available upon request. More information about how to download the report will be forwarded to parents around mid- November. If you have not downloaded the Compass app yet please do so as soon as possible.
My Body My Life
Catholic Care provides educational support every second year regarding puberty and personal development for students in Stage 3 (Year 5/6). Parents of students in Year 5/6 were forwarded information regarding the program last week. Included in the email was a link for a pre learning module parents can do with their child at home. This replaces the face to face information night. The My Body, My Life program will then be conducted at school with students in Year 5/6 on Tuesday 9 November. If you require any further detail please don’t hesitate to contact Ms Crozier or myself.
End of Year Dates
With restrictions across NSW easing we are anticipating that we will be able to conduct many of our end of year traditions as per usual with COVID measures in place. Dates you may like to put in your calendar include:
- Wednesday 1 December Semester Reports available via Compass App
- Thursday 9 December Thanksgiving/Graduation Mass @ 10am
- Monday 13 December Pool Celebration Day
- Tuesday 14 December Last day for students
Have a lovely week everyone