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- Principal's Message
- Week 7 Awards
- Cake Raffle Week 8
- Home Cooking Week 8
- Radio News Week 9
- Birthday Wishes
- Summer Sizzlers
- Help Needed
- Years 2-6 Cricket Cup Day
- K/1 Swimming Lessons
- Swimming Years 2 - 6
- Position Vacant
- St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
- Kris Kringle
- Christmas Raffle
- Term 4 Dates
- Live Life Well
- Quote of the Week
Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to begin by saying a very special thank you for all the prayers and support that was shown to both Mrs Murray and myself last week, when our mother was extremely ill. A huge thank you to Miss Buckmaster for ensuring all ran smoothly at St Mary’s and to Catholic Education for their support in providing additional assistance to the school each day. A big thank you to Mrs Wilson from St Patrick’s Gundagai who spent two days at school assisting as well. Thank you to St Mary’s community for their prayerful support, for our mum who has shown some signs of improvement. Please keep her in your prayers. We are very grateful to everyone.
Our Year K/1s have begun their annual swimming program this week and are excited to be heading to the pool each day. A huge thank you to Mrs Renae Smith for providing this opportunity for K/1 to develop the life-long skills of swimming. The weather forecast is also looking promising for our little swimmers.
Our Kris Kindle (KK) will also begin on Friday when your child will bring home the name of a child in their class group, who they will be looking after during the following week. Students are encouraged over the weekend to make cards or special items for their KK. Please limit sweet treats such as lollies or chocolates for your KK. KK will run from Monday 11th Dec until Friday 15th December, which will also be gift giving day.
Our end of term is approaching rapidly with many activities occurring over the next three weeks. Please ensure you place all of our special dates in your diaries.
Best wishes for the week ahead,
Christine Baron
K/1: Lucas T for demonstrating perserverance when completing difficult tasks.
Elise for writing an excellent information report and demonstrating confidence in her abilities.
Year 2/3: Amara for an excellent report on "Life Cycles of Tigers".
Jasmine for using excellent strategies to solve mathematical word problems.
Year 4/5/6: Jessica for participating with enthusiasm in Footsteps dance lessons and her conscientious approach to all tasks.
Brendan for participating with enthusiasm in Footsteps dance lessons.
This week the IRWIN famly will be on cake raffle. Tickets are sold for 20c.
Our home cooks this week weill be the BARTLETT and WILKINSON (Liam) families. Cooking sold for 50c each Friday.
Next Tuesday 11th December our school leaders Lucy and Hazel will present St Mary's final radio report of 2018. Tune in at 1.45pm to 96.3FM Sounds of the Mountains.
Birthday wishes go to Sarah T who turns 6 and to Ethan who turns 8 this Friday 7th December. We hope you both enjoy your special day.
This Wednesday our "Sumer Sizzler" will be BAKED POTATO WITH HAM, CHEESE AND PINEAPPLE. Vegetarian option available. $3.50 per serve or two serves PER PERSON for $5.00.
Zooper Doopers .80c.
Ice Cream in a cone $1.00.
We are needing a parent helper to put together the bench seats purchased so they can be used. Please let the office know if you could put these together.
This FRIDAY years 2-6 will be attending a "Cricket Blast Cup" at the Batlow Oval from 9-15am -2.00pm.
Students are asked to wear SPORTS UNIFORM and bring a packed morning tea, lunch, drinks, sunscreen and a hat.
Following this day students will go to the pool to cool off until 2.45pm.
Students will walk to the oval and back with their teachers.
Lessons began yesterday and will continue through to Friday 7th December. Thank you to Renae Smith for taking the water confidence and swimming lessons. Also a huge thank you to Worrick for transporting the students to and from the pool.
Intensive swimming for Years 2 to 6 will be conducted THIS Friday the 7th and NEXT Friday 14th December from 2.00pm to 2.45pm. Students will walk over to the pool this Friday after the cricket cup.
Please sign and submit the permission note which will emailed out seperately.
St Mary's are looking for a handy man to do work as needed around the school.
If you are intersted in this position please email ATTENTION COMMUNITY COUNCIL SECRETARY.
The successful applicant MUST have a working with children check, ABN and insurance to do this position.
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
Families are asked to support this appeal to help the many family and community members who need our help to make Christmas a bit more special in 2018.
Donations of non- perishable items include biscuits, tinned goods, Christmas goodies, gift vouchers, lollies and toys are greatly appreciated.
The hampers will be collected in week 9 by a representative from St Vinnies.
Thank you in anticipation for your generosity.
This year we are once again asking that the final gifts are kept to a maximum of $10 and that smaller items are homemade cards, handmade trinkets or simple gifts e.g pencils, novelty sharpeners, key rings etc. Food items will be allowed, but please keep them to only one or two of the items.
Finer Details are:
- Friday 7 December - Students will select the name of the KK. All students are to keep this name secret.
- Monday 10 to Thursday 13 December- Students are to provide a small gift for their KK every day and secretly place it in their class basket in the front foyer. Gifts will be distributed later in the day.
- Friday 14 December- Students are to bring in their final gift for their KK, to the maximum value of $10. Each class will have a special gifting time during the day where KK's are revealed.
This very special activity places emphasis on the action of giving, and gracefully receiving. It reflects our christian values especially in the time of advent as we prepare for the Christmas event.
Please return your raffle tickets and money when sold. This fantastic raffle will be drawn on Monday 17th at the awards afternoon. More tickets are available at the office if needed.
Carols By Candlelight - Tuesday 11th December 6.30pm
Year 6 Thanksgiving Mass - Thursday 13th December 10am
2018 Awards Afternoon - Monday 17th December 1.30pm at the Institute
Students Last Day Of Term - Tuesday 18th December
Christmas Mass - Batlow 5.00pm Vigil (Christmas Eve). Please note change of time.
Even better, it has none of the sugar, found in fruit drinks, soft drinks, sports drinks and flavoured mineral waters, which can cause tooth decay.
The fluoride in tap water helps you develop strong teeth and bones. Tap water is also a lot less expensive than other types of drinks. Plus it’s always available, so no need for a trip to the shop.
Fruit juice, which contains Vitamin C, is often seen as a healthy choice of drink. However, fruit juice is high in sugar and kilojoules, just like fruit drinks, flavoured mineral water, energy drinks and soft drinks. For example, a 250ml cup of apple juice or cola contains up to six teaspoons of sugar.
Add it up: just one can of soft drink per day means you’re adding 18 kilos of sugar to your diet each year!
You can have them occasionally, but these drinks are not a necessary part of a healthy diet.
Australian researchers found that children aged between 4 and 12 years who drank 500ml or more of fruit juice or cordial per day were twice as likely to be overweight or obese as children who consumed none.
How much to drink?
The recommended daily amount of fluids is:
- 5 glasses (1 litre) for 5 to 8 year olds
- 7 glasses (1.5 litres) for 9 to12 year olds
- 8 to 10 glasses (2 litres) for 13+ years
You should drink more water when you’re exercising or on a hot day. We often don’t feel thirsty even when our bodies need fluid, so it’s a good idea to drink water regularly throughout the day.
Hints to help you drink more water
- Pack a water bottle whenever you go out.
- In summer, put a frozen water bottle in your lunch box.
- Keep a bottle of cold water in the fridge in summer and drink warm water in winter.
- Water down juices, sports drinks and cordials.
- Use smaller glasses when drinking sugary drinks.
Water and sport
- Staying well-hydrated, especially in hot weather and when you’re exercising, helps your body function at its best.
- Dehydration – not having enough fluid in your body – can cause headaches and fatigue, make you feel cranky and affect your concentration.
- If you feel thirsty you’re probably already starting to dehydrate, so make sure you drink water regularly and especially before any physical activity.
- Have a few mouthfuls of water during any breaks in playing games or sport.
- After sport or exercise, drink plenty of water to make up for what you’ve lost in sweat.
Download Kids Choose Water as a Drink fact sheet (PDF 583KB)