Dear Parents,
Parents would be aware of the positive Covid case of a student at Kildare Catholic College last week. Catholic Education are closely monitoring the situation along with NSW Health of course.
We received wonderful news last week regarding the Archdiocesan Athletics Carnival. Due to the carnivals being cancelled the Sports Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn, Sheree Bush, has run a ‘virtual carnival’ using the timed scores from all C & G school carnivals to run the event. Five students from St Mary’s made it into the Western Region Team based on their times/distances in track and field events. They were Ryley Bartlett, Zayn Bartlett, Amara Hockey, Lucas Minogue and Jack Shang.
Overall results were:
Small School’s 4 x 100m Relay 1st St Mary’s Batlow ahead of Lake Cargellico, Grenfell and Adelong. What a brilliant result for four fastest students at St Mary’s-Ryley, Jack, Amara and Ryley.
Other top results were Ryley 4th in Long Jump and Zayn 6th in High Jump. Special certificates have been forwarded to the school for those students and they will be presented as soon as we are able to have an assembly.
Public Speaking
Congratulations to our four students from Year 5/6 Annabelle, Liam, Amara and Star who represented St Mary’s in public speaking against St Joseph’s, Adelong on Monday morning. Ms Crozier was very impressed with the standard of speeches from her students and the progress they each made by working and practicing on their individual speeches in their own time. The ‘speak off’ was conducted online via MS Teams. A bigger congratulations to Star Maglinte who has now been selected to move to the next level of competition, the Western Region Public Speaking Competition for Year 5.
Have a lovely week everyone.