Dear Parents,
Last Friday all parents would have received their students report for Semester One. This week we have our Parent Teacher Interviews scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. This provides each parent an opportunity to meet with class teachers regarding student achievements over the past semester. These conversations are valuable for both parents and teachers and will be held in student classrooms. If you haven’t booked your time yet, please do so via the link. PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS BOOKING LINK
This Thursday, we have an incursion coming to St Mary’s. It is called Let’s Chat Habitat. The incursion will be held here at St Mary’s and involve all K-6 students.
This Friday, our Year 6 students: Zayn, Ryley, Liam and Annabelle have the opportunity to go to McAuley Catholic Central School for a Year 7, 2022 transition day. They are excited to be taking this small step into secondary education. We look forward to hearing about their day.
The WR Athletics Carnival will be held Wednesday 14 July with a backup date of Monday the 19th July. Keep your fingers crossed that the weather is perfect. Ms Crozier, our Sports Coordinator, will be in touch regarding final arrangements when school returns in Term 3.
Have a wonderful week everyone.