Hello everyone,
We have completed our Athletics Carnival! Congratulations to all our students on their sportsmanship and Ms Crozier for coordinating the days. Age champions were announced on Friday and the winning house was Hume. We look forward to the next level of competition in Tumut Friday 11 June. McAuley Catholic Central School will be hosting the event.
Tell Them From Me Survey
This survey is open till Friday 11 June. Parents are invited to complete the survey to assist in our future planning. The link to the survey was directly emailed to parents last Tuesday 25 May, and can also be found here: Survey Link
Students in Year 4 to 6 will also complete the survey at school.
Enrolling now!
Our enrolment period is open for Kindergarten 2022 and continues to run for all grades. I am available for school tours Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 3:30 for any parents wanting to come and take a look at our school and meet myself and teaching staff. Please pass the word if you know of any friends, neighbours or new families to Batlow. Enrolments can be completed via our website: https://stmarysbatlow.nsw.edu.au/
Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn Visitors.
Recently we welcomed Senior Officer Numeracy Chris Higgins and Literacy and Numeracy Support Lisa Harris into our school. Both love getting off ‘zoom’ from Canberra and visiting regional schools as often as they can. Both will be back next term. This Friday, we have Christine Wanjura and Margaret Pollard from the Wellbeing and Diversity team.
Top Room Update
Our top room is looking fantastic! The final touches of carpeting and painting are being done and we are excited to know that it will ready for us at the start of Term 3.
We are still in need of support with our flagpoles. If anyone has access to an elevated platform that can assist in securing new ropes on the pole please let me know.
Uniform Shop
Please help us! Payment for uniforms is required on the day when requesting new supplies. If you are have requested a jumper etc recently and are yet to pay, please do so as soon as possible.
Term Three
Term 3 commences for all on Monday 12 July. There is no staff development day as we have done in previous years. Teachers used the Term 3 staff development day at the beginning of the year, Friday 29 January.
Have a lovely week everyone.