Hello everyone,
It was a busy weekend for the Batlow community. What a wonderful time to relax and enjoy our beautiful town which we are so lucky to be part of. The weather was ‘crisp’ and a gentle reminder for students to dress warm and in winter uniform. Please ensure all clothing items are labelled with your child’s name so any lost items are easy to return.
Athletics this Thursday in Batlow
We are gearing up for our athletic events over the next week. This Thursday, morning lessons will run as normal but all students need to be in their sports uniform. We will be walking to the Batlow Showground after recess and starting the running events at 12pm. We missed this opportunity last year and are really looking forward to the sporting challenge.
Timekeepers Needed
All parents are welcome to come and join us to help cheer on the students in their running event. We request all parents sign in upon arrival as per Covid requirements. We would love some parents to help us with time keeping. Please email Sports Coordinator Maddison Crozier Maddison.crozier@cg.catholic.edu.au if you can hold a stop watch for an hour or so on Thursday. Students turning 8 years and over this year will also be participating in discus and shot put events on the day. Lunch orders will still go ahead as per normal. Lunches will be brought down to the oval at 1:00pm.
High Jump/Long Jump in Tumut
Next Monday 24 May, we will be travelling to Tumut for the high jump and long jump section of our athletics carnival. Please remember that only students in Yr 2-6 will be attending this day. Students will need to bring a packed morning tea and lunch. Lunch orders will still be available for K/1 students only who will remain at school.
Age champions and the House Trophy will be presented at our Friday Assembly in Week 7. Good luck to all students in their events this week. The Western Region Carnival will be held in Tumut Friday 11 June for successful qualifying students.
On a final note we welcome Thomas Korn back to school after a lengthy stay in hospital. Thank you to everyone for your support on "Go Green for Thomas" day. It is wonderful to have him back with us.
Have a lovely week everyone.