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- Principal's Message
- Mrs Richards On Leave
- Miss Soulsby
- Week 5 Awards
- Cake Raffle Week 6
- Home Cooking Week 6
- Birthdays
- Radio news Week 7
- Summer Sizzlers
- Book Fair
- Kindergarten 2019 Orientation Day
- Late Arrival To School
- Talent Show
- Thank You
- Year K/1 Swimming Lessons
- Head Lice
- Handy Man Position
- St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
- Live Life Well
- Term 4 Dates
- Tumut Town Band Annual Concert
- Quote Of The Week
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Week 6 and half way through our final school term!
Thank you to the students who were able to support our Sunday Children’s Mass yesterday. It is lovely to continue to promote a close association with St Mary’s Church Parish and the school community.
2019 Staffing is still being organised. Congratulations are extended to Miss Soulsby, as her contract has been extended for the 2019 school year. We are very excited to be welcoming Miss Soulsby back to our teaching team for another year. We hope to finalise staffing over the next few weeks and to be able to inform parents and carers before the end of the school term.
We are really looking forward to seeing the amazing talent on display this Friday at the St Mary’s Talent Quest! The Talent Quest will begin at 11.30am and all parents and friends are welcome to attend. Thank you to Year 6 for organising this special event for our students.
Best wishes for a happy week,
Christine Baron
Mrs Richards will be on sick leave until the last week of term. In Mrs Richards absence, the following teachers will be teaching the Year 4/5/6 class.
Mrs Hughes-Monday and Fridays
This week-Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday-Mrs Saunderson and Mrs Neale
Next 3 weeks-Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays-Miss Clarke
Please keep Mrs Richards in your prayers during her absence. She hopes to be able to be here for the special end of year events and return for the last few days of the school year.
We are delighted to announce that Miss Soulsby will be extending her contract for the 2019 school year. It will be great to continue to have Miss Soulsby as part of our St Mary’s teaching team.
Lucas M for participation and listening during golf lessons.
Jack for great effort in writing.
Star and Ethan for excellent effort and improvement in reading.
Daniel for writing a detailed literary text showing character development.
Jade for reading with confidence with expression and fluency.
Caleb for improvement in literacy, particularly writing.
This Friday The HOCKEY family are on cake raffle. Tickets are sold for 20c each.
Our home cooks this Friday are the Pearce & Jones families. Items are sold for 50c each.
We wish Daniel a happy birthday as he turns 11 on Sunday. We hope you have a great day Daniel!
Our radio announcers next Tuesday 27th November will be Hazel & Sebastian. Tune in to FM96.3 at 1.45pm to hear what is happening at St Mary's.
Tomorrows summer sizzler will be "Home made chicken nuggets and wedges" Orders and money are to be in to the office by 9am.
$3.50 per serve or two serves per person for $5. Super Doopers 80c each and icecream cones $1 each are also available on the day.
THANK YOU to all the families that supported the book fair and the following who donated books to the school:
The Tadrous Family
Annabelle and William Smith
Nace Salmon
Brendan Irwin
Lucas Tainio
Mrs Baron
Mrs Murray
We now have many new books in our library to be borrowed once covered.
Kindergarten 2019 Orientation Day
Our last kindergarten orientation day will be held this Thursday 22nd November 8.45am -3pm. We look forward to seeing our new kindies for 2019 again.
Parents and carer's are reminded that by law if your child is late to school they MUST be signed in at the office. If for any reason students are leaving early they MUST also be signed out at the office. Thank you for your support with this.
This Friday 23rd November at 11.30am St Mary's will be having a talent show.
Students may perform with a group of up to 6 people or as an individual.
Limit of 3 acts per person. Parents and friends are welcome to attend.
Lets see how much talent St Mary's has!!!
Thank you Leah Hamilton & Cindy Skein for selling tickets at the RSL on Friday night in our Christmas raffle. We appreciate your time and support.
Tickets will be sent home later in the week to families.
Year K/1 will be undertaking swimming lessons during Week 8. A note will go home to K/1 parents, later this week with full details. Thank you to Mrs Renae Smith who will take the Year K/1 for water confidence and swimming skill lessons and Mr Worrick Shaw who will transport students.
Some cases of head lice have been reported. Please ensure you check your childrens hair and treat these if found.
Getting Rid of Head Lice
- Choose a pediculicide (head lice treatment). ...
- Comb out the lice with a nit comb. ...
- Wash the person's clothes and bedding. ...
- Monitor the hair for signs of life. ...
- Use an oil treatment to help the process move more quickly. ...
Lice can also be spread through the sharing of personal articles like hats, towels, brushes, helmets, hair ties, etc. There is also a possibility of spreading head lice via a pillow, headrest or similar items as they can survive for up to 24 hours. It is best to wash and clean all bedding and personal items to assist in ridding lice.
St Mary's are looking for a handy man to do work as needed around the school.
If you are intersted in this position please email ATTENTION COMMUNITY COUNCIL SECRETARY by Monday 3rd December.
The successful applicant MUST have a working with children check, ABN and insurance to do this position.
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
This week we are launching St Vincent De Paul Christmas appeal. Families are asked to support this appeal to help the many family and community members who need our help to make Christmas a bit more special in 2018.
Donations of non- perishable items include biscuits, tinned goods, Christmas goodies, gift vouchers, lollies and toys are greatly appreciated.
The hampers will be collected in week 9 by a representative from St Vinnies.
Thank you in anticipation for your generosity.
There are five simple ways for your family to lead a healthy lifestyle and get back on track:
1. Get active each day
- Regular physical activity is important for the healthy growth, development and well-being of children and young people.
- They should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day, including vigorous activities that make them ‘huff and puff’.
- Include activities that strengthen muscles and bones on at least 3 days of the week.
- Parents should be good role models and have a positive attitude to being active.
2. Choose water as a drink
- Water is the best way to quench your thirst – and it doesn’t come with the added sugar found in fruit juices, soft drinks and other sweetened drinks.
- Reduced fat milk for children over two is a nutritious drink and a great source of calcium.
- Give kids whole fruit to eat, rather than offering fruit juices that have a lot of sugar.
3. Eat more fruit and vegetables
- Eating fruit and vegetables every day helps children grow and develop, boosts their vitality and can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.
- Aim to eat two serves of fruit and five serves of vegetables every day.
- Have fresh fruit available as a convenient snack and try to include fruit and vegies in every meal.
4. Switch off the screen and get active
- Sedentary or ‘still’ time spent watching TV, surfing online or playing computer games is linked to kids becoming overweight or obese.
- Children and young people should spend no more than two hours a day on ‘small screen’ entertainment. Break up long periods of use as often as possible.
- Plan a range of active indoor and outdoor games or activities for your children, as alternatives to watching TV or playing on the computer.
5. Eat fewer snacks and select healthier alternatives
- Healthy snacks help children and young people meet their daily nutritional needs.
- Snacks based on fruit and vegetables, reduced fat dairy products and whole grains are the healthiest choices.
- Avoid snacks that are high in sugar or saturated fats – such as chips, cakes and chocolate – which can cause children to put on excess weight.
2019 Kinder Last Orientation day - Thursday 22nd November
Carols By Candlelight - Tuesday 11th December 6.30pm
Year 6 Thanksgiving Mass - Thursday 13th December
2018 Awards Afternoon - Monday 17th December 1.30pm at the Institute
Students Last Day Of Term - Tuesday 18th December
Tumut Town Band Annual Concert
Tumut town band will be hold their annual concert on Sunday 2nd December 4.30-6.30pm at the Montreal Theatre.
Come along for a musical afternoon listening to the band and some solo pieces. Entry is by a donation.