Hello Everyone,
Welcome back to our final term for the year.
As you know, Rhiannon Clark one of our Year 2/3/4 teachers, tragically lost her partner following a vehicle accident on their property during the holidays. Shane McDermott’s funeral may possibly be this Friday in Barellan, Shane and Rhiannon’s home town.
Some staff members will be attending to support Rhiannon and her two children, Rory and Raegan. Please be aware that class programs may be modified on the day.
If any parents would like to forward a sympathy card to her address in Barellan her address is:
21 Bendee St, Barellan, NSW, 2665.
Alternatively, staff attending the funeral can take any cards with them that are left at the school office by Thursday afternoon.
Please keep Rhiannon in your prayers.
This week is a huge week for our little choir that is Kinder to Year 4. We have three events to sing at:
· Tuesday- Pioneers Night at the Batlow RSL Club (6:45pm for 7:00pm). Full summer uniform please.
· Thursday- Western Region Choir Competition at McAuley Tumut (9am-3:00pm). Full summer uniform please.
· Saturday – Batlow Apple Blossom Festival (10:45 for 11:00am). No uniform, casual clothes.
A separate note has been forwarded to parents regarding all singing details. Wish us luck as we enter the Choir competition for the first time in many, many years.
Have a good week everyone,