St Mary’s Primary School - Batlow
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Selwyn St
Batlow NSW 2730

Phone: 02 6949 1270


Richards_Jannine.JPGDear Parents,

What a lovely week!

Excursions…Yay at long last!

Our younger classes have enjoyed their day excursions this week-K/1/2 to Junee and  Yr 3/ 4 to Tumbarumba. Both class groups have enjoyed ‘getting out and about’ on buses and seeing the sites of our region. Please take a look at the photos in this newsletter.

Jump Rope for Heart

We have our Jump Rope for Heart ‘JUMP OFF’ day tomorrow which will be fantastic fun!. It has been amazing to watch our students  progress on their skipping skills  (over the past four weeks in particular) and tomorrow will be a celebration of their hard work and a demonstration of  amazing skipping tricks. Well done everyone and thank you to those who have helped raise over $1000 already! The heart foundation is a brilliant cause to be focusing on.

Mufti day

To add to the fun tomorrow students may wear casual clothes to school.

Carols by Candlelight

This is tonight! Students are to meet teachers in the auditorium at the Batlow RSL by 6:30pm in full school uniform. Students have been practicing their items and are looking forward to performing them tonight. Students may wear Santa hats, antler hats etc to suit the occasion

Staffing 2023

On a final note I would like to update parents on staffing for 2023. Ms Sarah Collins and Ms Mercedes Brown have successfully won positions at McAuley in Tumut and we are currently recruiting for new teachers to join our team. In the meantime, Ms Jackson and myself will be on Year 3 /4 and Year 5/6 respectively. Ms Wild, our Music teacher, will also be retiring this year. Please join me in farewelling them formally at our Awards evening next Wednesday 7 December.

Have a lovely week everyone,
